Shutter Speeds and Different Apertures

These four photos represent different shutter speeds and aperture settings. Photo 1: The begging of fall is hitting Montana and the winds are starting to pick up. These leaves were waving in the wind when I photographed them. This first photo was shot with a high shutter speed of 1/2000 of a second, along with an aperture setting of F8.0 and ISO of 400. Photo 2: This photo was taken of the same leaves blowing in the wind as photo 1. The difference is that in this photo I used a slower shutter speed of 1/15 of a second, along with F8.0 and ISO of 100. Photo 3: Out for an afternoon of exploring Montana sage brush country, I found the last few wild flowers stuck in a part of the fence. In this photo I used a higher aperture setting of F16, along with a shutter speed of 1/200 and an ISO of 100. Using a higher aperture will help focus on what is close and distort the background. Photo 4: In this photo I used a lower aperture setting of ...