Moments Remembered by Photographs

There has always been a deep love for the outdoors in my life. Recently, I went back home to New Mexico and spent five days up in the high mountains of the wilderness. I was elk hunting and ended up with an amazing bull, but there is so much more than just taking an elk. The thing I find most magical about these experiences is the lonely, but soul filled feeling of being tens of miles away from other humans. Words can not describe the beauty and rawness of the places we went, but photographs can help. I view photography as a way of helping capture and preserve moments that we wish to remember forever. Now these photographs do not portray the place or moment to it’s full extent, but as my mind slowly starts to fade away they help me remember what those moments felt like. I find myself extremely grateful for the ease and convenience of cameras in today’s day and age, because of all the moments I will be reminded of later.